Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bombs, Iceland nightlife

Young Uncle works for a wildly successful Icelandic company (in many ways he is the original Icelandic Expat) and was given a New Years bonus. He decided to spend most of it on a really big bomb. That's what they do in Iceland during new years. They blow stuff up.

The kids were really excited. So was I, but you can't see me in this picture because i'm actually taking it.

Young Uncle decided to show me the wild side of Iceland. We started with a "pre-party". Because booze is so bloody expensive in Iceland, the tradition is to warm up properly before you go out.

Icelandic people are not very warm. At least the ones I know like talking really slow, making considered remarks about the progress of Einar's business and the nature of Nordic competitiveness. The really weird thing was how everybody waited their turn, and even gave a seconds pause between people speaking so that everyone had a chance to think about what had been said. It can take a long time for seven Icelandic men to come to agreement this way.

I was about to gnaw of my left arm at one point, but luckily someone finally took the initiative and led the conversations onto the more heated topics of booze and women. By heated I mean that comments were less thoughtful and the pause between people speaking was reduced to maybe half a second.

We made it outside finally, around 3am. Well, it's was New Year's Eve the day after so the town was understandably less energetic than it could have been. But it was interesting to see how these people jigg and I got a picture of myself on the dancefloor. Mission accomplished.

Current status

Death. The Dundee Expat met his demise in Hong Kong, where he was subverted as a concept by the rise of the Wannabe Gentleman.