Abram is a clever guy and has travelled the US quite extensively and even been to Europe. He's arrived to Shanghai through six weeks in Macau and could be described as worldly, clued up guy.
However, he is also the source of last night's silliest line.
After looking around the restaurant and finding to his suprise it is full of westerners (rather than locals) he utters:
"Wow, this place is full of Americans."
The reason this is funny is that probably the only americans in that restaurant were sitting at our table. The place was mostly indians, frenchmen, germans, englishmen etc. Maybe one other american. There's a profoundness in his mistake that reflects on the fabric of the very world we live in. Anyways.
My camera ran out of battery just after taking one picture which happened to be this picture of Abram looking as silly as his line. With no other pictorial proof (or much memory either) of the night, Abram and his comment is going to have to be the topic of todays post.