appears at first look to be just another classifieds and bulletin board website, like in Taiwan and Asiaxpat in hong kong. But whats unique about these guys is that they go a mile further. they don't just classify stuff, they also organize and promote their own events. On sundays they hold a coffee lunch to welcome newcomers to Shanghai (genious!). Every other Tuesday they have a dinner meet-up for people in this nice little community to catch up. I have no idea how they make any money on this, seems like charity to me, but it's a great service to lost souls new to the city.
So I went to the coffee meeting on Sunday. It was about 50/50 newcomers plus locals who were curious to get to know newcomers if only to practice their English a little bit. With us newcomers being all curous about them, the whole even could only be described as an extraordinary orgy of curiosity.
It was so good, I decided to join them again for dinner a yesterday. That was probably the last time this year that you could sit outside and eat. Shanghai is starting to get mighty chilly.

After the dinner, had organized a halloween party at BonBon. In a matter of days my life has suddenly come to revolve around this website. And I say I'm a better man for it.